Visit to Infanta Leonor Hospital with students from the School of Architecture of Clemson University in South Carolina, USA
June 7, 2019
luis vidal + architects has received a visit from the School of Architecture of Clemson University that traveled from the United States to study near the first hospital designed by the practise. Isabel Gil, architect of luis vidal + architects, guided through the the Infanta Leonor University General Hospital in Madrid a group of ten students and two professors from the School of Architecture Clemson University of South Carolina, United States.
David Allison and Dr. Anjiali Joseph, professors at the Clemson University School of Architecture, aimed to show their students different European models of hospital construction. For two hours, the students of the last year of the Master in Architecture and Health of the school were able to explore the hospital almost completely and appreciate a center with a more human scale, natural light and large courtyards (following the innovative concept of “Hospital-Garden” of the practise) that help the early recovery of patients.
During the visit, students and professors were very interested in the modular design of the hospital and the circulation flows separated by levels, which facilitates the orientation inside the building and prevents external patients and family from crossing with health personnel and with restricted areas for inpatients.
“The works in the hospitals begin the day the hospital opens” says Isabel Gil, who was pleasantly surprised at the small changes that had taken place in the building since its inauguration in 2005. This is due to good planning at long term and simple and effective design that is focused on the usability of all those who inhabit a hospital (health personnel, workers, patients and family).
The Infanta Leonor University General Hospital was the first health center designed by luis vidal + architects studio. Starting from scratch, the architectonic principles defining traditional hospital projects were rethought and the philosophy was changed to an user-centered project and the concept of “Hospital-Garden”. The Infanta Leonor became the benchmark for a hospital model that has served the practise to design other health centers such as Can Misses Hospital (Ibiza), Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital (Vigo), Marga Marga Provincial Hospital and Community Centre + CESFAM Matta Sur (both in Chile), among others.