Cristina Sánchez participates in the first “Foro de Movilidad Urbana y Transporte Sostenible” in Santo Domingo
June 13, 2019
The first Forum on Urban Mobility and Sustainable Transport was held at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the Autónoma University of Santo Domingo (UASD), with the objetive of presenting strategies to face the problem of urban mobility and transport in the Dominican Republic.
Cristina Sánchez, Country Manager in the Dominican Republic and Associate Director of luis vidal + architects, spoke about how, from the conception of the project, in the practice, the urban space is always studied first, giving great importance to mobility and transport. These factors can be decisive for a success or a failure project.
The main objective of the forum was to establish a space for dialogue between the actors involved in urban mobility and transportation throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, and its indirect impact on the urban environment.
The event was attended by the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) of the Dominican Republic, as well as important Dominican institutions such as the General Directorate of Traffic Safety and Land Transportation (DIGESETT), the National Institute of Traffic and Transportation Terrestrial (INTRANT) and the Office for the Reorganization of Transport (Opret). On the other hand, it also brought together representatives of the industrial, business and academic sectors.