Consuelo Larrea
Chile General Manager
Since 2023, Consuelo Larrea is Chile General Manager at luis vidal +architects.
She has more than 20 years of experience in diverse areas of architecture: leading teams for the development of workspace transformation projects in Chile and Latin America for L’Oreal, Mercado Libre, Globan, Colbún, Codelco, Banco Estado, Falabella, and more; integrating innovative teams in architecture related to EXO initiatives and developing spaces in the metaverse; and promoting the development of housing in real estate projects for various Chilean real estate companies, covering everything from searching for land and creating the design, to product definition and economic evaluation for development. Notable companies include: Security, Covalco, Delta, RVC, and PY.
She is an educator in multiple areas of architecture, including Chair of Decisions in Real Estate Investment and Thesis Advisor, Assistant in architecture workshops and degree direction in the University of Chile. She holds a Master’s degree in Management and Administration of Real Estate Projects.